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Kiva, a pioneering online lending platform, is best known for its commitment to fostering financial inclusion and empowering entrepreneurs in underserved communities worldwide. The platform operates on a unique crowdfunding model that connects lenders with borrowers, creating a global community dedicated to eradicating poverty through microfinance. Background: Founded in 2005, Kiva has transformed the landscape of microfinance by leveraging the power of the internet. Headquartered in San Francisco, California, Kiva facilitates loans for individuals and small businesses, particularly in developing regions where traditional financial services are limited. Operational Model: Kiva operates as a non-profit organization that enables individuals, known as lenders, to contribute small amounts of money to fund loans requested by entrepreneurs, or borrowers. These borrowers, often located in economically marginalized areas, use the funds to start or expand their businesses, cover educational expenses, or address other pressing needs. Global Reach: With a global network of field partners and volunteers, Kiva has facilitated loans in over 80 countries. The platform ensures that the funds directly reach the intended recipients by collaborating with local organizations that vet borrowers, disburse loans, and provide support throughout the repayment process. Social Impact: Kiva’s impact extends beyond financial assistance, as it seeks to create a positive social change by promoting economic development, gender equality, and community resilience. Borrowers often share their stories on the platform, providing lenders with a personal connection to the individuals they are supporting.

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