OpenSky® Secured Visa® Credit Card

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OpenSky® Secured Visa® Credit Card

The OpenSky Secured Visa Credit Card is a reliable tool for individuals seeking to rebuild their credit. With a security deposit determining the credit limit and no credit check during the application process, it provides an inclusive solution. Transparent annual fees, reporting to major credit bureaus, and user-friendly online account management make it an accessible and practical choice for credit recovery.


  1. No Credit Check: Ideal for individuals with poor credit or limited credit history.
  2. Flexible Credit Limits: Security deposit ranges from $200 to $3,000, offering adaptability.
  3. Reports to Major Bureaus: Helps rebuild credit by reporting responsible card usage.
  4. Predictable Annual Fee: Fixed annual fee ensures financial predictability.
  5. Online Account Management: Intuitive digital tools for easy and efficient account management.


  1. Annual Fee: While predictable, an annual fee may be a drawback for some users.
  2. Security Deposit Required: Requires an upfront security deposit to establish the credit limit.
  3. No Rewards Program: Lacks a rewards program, which could be a downside for those seeking additional benefits.
  4. No Upgrade Option: OpenSky does not provide an automatic upgrade to an unsecured card, requiring users to apply for other cards when ready to transition.
  5. Foreign Transaction Fee: Charges a foreign transaction fee, making it less suitable for international use.

Details & Eligibility

  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • $35
  • N/A
  • Visa
  • No
  • 25.64%
  • 25.64%
  • 25.64%
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
The OpenSky® Secured Visa® Credit Card stands out in the competitive realm of secured credit cards by offering a straightforward approach to rebuilding credit. Geared towards individuals with limited or damaged credit histories, this card provides a secure platform for financial recovery. Security Deposit and Credit Limit: One notable feature is the card’s reliance on a security deposit, which becomes the credit limit. The security deposit can range from $200 to $3,000, offering flexibility for users to adjust their credit limit based on their financial capacity. This structure allows cardholders to responsibly manage their spending while establishing or rebuilding their credit. No Credit Check: Unlike many traditional credit cards, the OpenSky Secured Visa doesn’t require a credit check during the application process. This makes it an accessible option for those with poor credit or a limited credit history. The emphasis on financial responsibility is key, as users are encouraged to make timely payments to positively impact their credit score. Annual Fee: While the card doesn’t escape an annual fee, its transparency is commendable. Cardholders can expect a fixed annual fee, providing predictability in managing their finances. This predictability is crucial for those looking to rebuild their credit without facing unforeseen charges. Reports to Major Credit Bureaus: An essential aspect of using a secured credit card to rebuild credit is its reporting to major credit bureaus. OpenSky ensures that your responsible credit behavior is reported, contributing to the gradual improvement of your credit score over time. Online Account Management: OpenSky provides an intuitive online platform for account management. This includes monitoring transactions, checking balances, and setting up payment alerts. The emphasis on user-friendly digital tools aligns with the modern approach to personal finance.
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